
Getting Started with Environmental Sustainability: Top Tips for Outdoor Artists

A collection of enviromental sustainability videos on topics: Strategy, Materials, Energy, Transport, Food & Water and Waste. Produced by Without Walls and Norfolk & Norwich Festival. [Approximately 40 minutes, made of 7 videos ranging from 3-8 minutes]


Sustainability in the Outdoor Arts Sector

Accessible Environmental Literacy Training by Chiara Badiali. [Approximately 60 minute presentation deck]


Environmental sustainability resources: Master list

A collection of resources and further reading on sustainability


Making Sustainable Productions

Without Walls Artist workshop with the Theatre Green Book [Workshop recording approximately 2 hours 22 minutes]


Insights from Green Production Lab at 101 Outdoor Arts Creation Space

[Approximately 30 minutes]


Insights from A Greener Festival Training

[2 presentations, 1x 60 minutes and 1x 40 minutes, and a list of further reading]


Insights from April’s Green Production Lab

[4x production labs: 1 hour 12 minutes, 1 hour 55 minutes, 1 hour 45 minutes, 2 hours 18 minutes and a handbook]


Creative Lab: Creating Environmentally Sustainable Outdoor Work

[Approximately 45 minute Symposium recording, further guidance includes a 6 minute video, 40 minute report and 60 minute programme document]


Mapping sustainability challenges in Outdoor Arts

[Includes a downloadable document of approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes reading]
